TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is the oldest medical system in the world. It continues to evolve as an essential wellness solution due to its efficacy and long-term benefits. This deeply philosophical ancient medicine was developed through the observation of nature and the cosmos, rooted in the wisdom of Taoism, the concepts of Yin & Yang and the 5 Elements.
This system takes a holistic, balanced approach to address the underlying root causes of health concerns, increase vitality, restore the natural self-healing abilities of the body and prevent illness. Each treatment builds on another, moving you closer to a vibrant, harmonious, self-loving future.

Qi, In modern science terms, is regarded as bioelectricity that regulates our cells, tissues and organs. It flows through internal pathways called meridians and provides nourishment to your cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands.
As we cope with everyday hustle and bustle with constant tolls to our bodies, a deeper, more comprehensive holistic medicine solution to wellness becomes essential - a priority that’s beyond important even when you don’t have any symptoms.
TCM provides a holistic and efficacious method to tackle underlying issues and to maintain the body's equilibrium and wellness.
TCM is a tried and true healing system that enhances the body's innate healing capacities, elevates energy, boosts immunity, alleviates pain, harmonizes internal functions, bolsters vital organ functions, reduces stress and anxiety, fosters radiant youthful-looking skin and prevents the progression of disorders.

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease"
--- by Thomas Edison
"The superior doctor prevents sickness; the mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness; the inferior doctor treats actual sickness"
--- HuangDi NeiJing (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine)

Acupuncture is a core component of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), a holistic system of health and wellness that has been around for thousands of years.
TCM theory suggests that health is influenced by the flow of vital energy (Qi) through meridians in your body. Disruptions in the Qi flow are believed to contribute to illness; by contrast, the balance of Qi can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions.
Acupuncturists insert sterile, hair-thin needles at specific points along these meridians. This stimulation triggers the body's natural healing mechanisms, restores the flow of Qi and as a result promotes health and wellbeing.
Science shows that everything in the body is made of constantly moving elements that radiate energy (Qi). Inside of you is an intelligent, powerful and vital energy network that maintains health and essential balance. Acupuncture works to activate this energy system as the natural self-healing ability of the body, which can strengthen and harmonize your internal system to address root causes of symptoms and achieve optimal health with lasting benefits.
Herbal medicine and acupuncture are the two most important therapeutic modalities of TCM. In fact, when both are employed holistically, the powerful combination is the best solution for enhancing wellness and maintaining overall health.
Over thousands of years, TCM herbology has evolved into an art form all its own. Ancient herbal information has been gathered, compiled, formulated, tested, and handed down from generation to generation. All TCM herbs are classified according to their energetic qualities and functions – as well as the various organs, meridians, and disharmonies they best address. Individual herbs are combined in order to enhance their actions and effects upon the body; when combined, a unique, synergistic formula is created. This combination increases the benefits of a particular herb – and minimizes any side effects.
Herbal medicines are used to expedite the healing process and strengthen, support and tonify the body. Herbs have the capacity to address the underlying root causes of many health concerns. When applied topically, these herbs can facilitate the skin regeneration process, resulting in optimal skin health for a natural, healthy looking radiance. Herbal medicine is the ultimate, tried-and-true superfood for your body, soul and glow.

TCM Modalities
Sound tuning forks are a gentle and non-invasive TCM modality. The sound frequencies travel throughout the channels and meridian points of your body, helping to balance Qi and regain your vital energy. Tuning forks are used to harmonize the natural cycles of the body; create balance, or homeostasis, in the body; relieve pain; reduce stress and anxiety.
Sound Therapy is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but also has a way of moving through blockages in the body. Sound waves can help release muscular tensions and stimulates the glandular and nervous system.
Auriculo therapy is based on the TCM ancient discovery that ears are intimately connected with all organs of the body. By stimulating the ear median points, it can alleviate pathological conditions in other parts of the body and help with pain management, sleep discomforts, stress and anxiety relief, hormone balances, digestive and metabolism, memory and cognitive performance.
Dated back in the 2500 BC via
The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, Auriculotherapy is an alternative medicine that the ears are a micro system, which regulates the entire body.
These specially designed tools are used for full-body and facial massages that break up scar tissue, release muscle tension and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Gua sha facial massage lifts and contours skin for a youthful glow.
The ancient TCM healing modality of Gua Sha offers many health benefits such as easing pain, releasing the channel sinews, promoting circulation, rebalancing the function of the stomach + spleen; Improving facial muscle tone; and encouraging lymphatic drainage in the skin for a more youthful look.
In this technique, a therapist utilizes various sized suction cups to increase circulation and release toxin in the body. It's great for recovery of soft tissue damage, muscle tension and rehabilitation.
The ancient holistic healing modality of cupping offers many health benefits such as relaxing muscles and tissues; drawing out and releasing pathogenic factors of wind, cold, dampness & heat; reducing stagnation; promoting circulation; and reducing inflammation.
Moxibustion (moxa) is a powerful TCM healing method that has been used in Eastern cultures for millennia. Moxibustion involves burning a dried herb called Ai Ye above the skin to stimulate and warm meridian channels and points.
Moxa can also help reduce pain and swelling; aid in fertility and reproductive function; strengthen the immune system; stimulate circulation and lymphatic flow; restore and nourish the body’s cellular regenerative process.